You can engage Lisa as a speaker, facilitator, coach, mentor, guide or advisor. Each is a different engagement relationship which responds to your unique needs and level of maturity and capability in leading organisational transformation in a human centric way when culture or new ways of working are at the heart of your transformation.
Please schedule a no obligation chat to learn more or discuss ways we can work together.
Engage Lisa as Facilitator, Speaker or Coach
- Lisa can partner with you to step in and work along side you on some of the more complex challenges or sensitive challenges between individuals, teams or stakeholder groups.
- Lisa can make herself available to facilitate and lead workshops or learning programs to ensure your leaders and teams are ready to embark on your cultural transformation.
- Lisa can facilitate a one off rumble to unlock some of the team or cultural tensions that are getting in the way of the achievement of results. Maybe Lisa can assist your leaders and change champions better understand and define the required future state culture through a design session with your leaders.
- You may wish to engage Lisa to unlock cultural tensions that are getting in the way of results or perhaps have her facilitate a cultural rumble or future state culture design session with your leaders.
Engage Lisa as a Transformation Advisor, Guide or Mentor
Lisa is available to mentor, coach and guide your Leaders and Change Champions to design a transformation approach that is human centric, leader-led and collectively owned.
Organisations have relied our Lisa’s expertise to solve complex challenges and she would welcome the opportunity to partner with you as you embark on your own challenging transformation.
Here’s a few examples of the kinds of transformation programs Lisa has led which had culture and ways of working at the core of what needed to be achieved.
- Post merger cultural integration.
- Leadership Team alignment.
- Embedding new ways of working.
- Customer or consumer experience shifts.
- Organisational restructures Operating Model shifts.
- Interdisciplinary, functional or team cohesion.
- Organisation, business or digital transformation.
- Risk and Safety Culture transformation.
- Operational or team efficiency or continuous improvement.
- Cultural, leadership and employee experience revamps.
- Co-creation, co-labs and innovation programs.
- Organisational and leadership capability programs.
Engage Lisa to Perform a Culture Review

In our experience, employee engagement and retention rates have been two of the primary ways organisations measure culture and Values have been the primary guardrails for culture. It’s true, these are all relevant but they fall short of understanding the full picture. In addition, in many cases engagement, retention and values initiatives have tended to be disingenuous and not leader led. In other cases they have been tick and flick activities instead of genuine indicators of organisational and individual performance. Many efforts have excused leaders from the responsibility of shaping, leading and creating the conditions required the achievement of results and cultural strength.
We have developed a cultural diagnostic tool that works alongside the evidence you are already getting from a financial, performance, safety, sustainability and engagement or workforce perspective. It goes beyond employee satisfaction and engagement.
The Culture Barometer provides an understanding of the organisation’s cultural maturity and the extent to which your organisation’s norms support the achievement of your Strategic Intent. It assesses your organisation’s way of working against the leader competencies, cultural conditions and organisational capabilities of the Results Through Culture Framework and provides leaders with systemic/holistic insight into what has been and what needs to be put in place to support your organisation in more effectively working together to achieve results.
It provides insight into the Conditions and Capabilities your organisation can prioritise for achieving Results Through Culture and harnessing the cultural strengths that already exist.
The Culture Barometer is able to provide tangible data insights at various levels of detail. Once we meet with you and have an understanding of your challenges, needs and desired way forward, we will agree the level of data that would be most beneficial.
Engage Lisa to Understand, Unlock and Unleash Your Organisation’s Potential

AIM: Provoke action and increase leader’s understanding of and commitment to culture.
OVERVIEW: Continue the understanding of current culture. Define the requirements for culture and design the desired future state culture including a roadmap for immediate action. Create a plan for unlocking realities in current culture that are impacting future culture. Build interest and commitment to taking action on culture.
1.One on One Interviews with Leaders & Culture Champions (Up to 6).
2.Desktop review of organisational materials and practices currently in place.
3.The Culture Barometer diagnostic with 2-3 Leader Levels and Culture Champions.
4.Prework and qualitative information gathering from participants 1-2 weeks prior to workshop.
5.Preparation & delivery of a Future State Results Through Culture workshop with Leaders and Culture Champions (18-25 Participants).
6.Close out report, summarising findings and high level recommendations for a way forward.

AIM: Ignite action and support your organisation in preparing for a cultural shift by increasing understanding, building a roadmap and unlocking the blockages or cultural tensions that exist
OVERVIEW: Lead the raising of organisational wide awareness for the need for a cultural shift and igniting leaders at all levels to understand and commit to their role in shaping culture. Includes bespoke facilitation, training and coaching and detailed culture review.
1.The Culture Barometer diagnostic with all levels of leadership and provision of detailed comparative analysis between leader levels, gender, tenure and various divisions.
2.1:1 Interviews (up to 20) and Focus Groups (up to 4).
3.5i Leader Workshops.
4.Team Brilliance Workshops.
5.Facilitation of Unlocking Sessions.
6.Detailed report including quantitative and qualitative analysis (key themes, insights, recommendations, opportunities for action and roadmap to achieve future state culture)

AIM: Unleash your organisation’s potention and achieve a cultural shift that is leader led and collectively owned and achieved by harnessing the brilliance that exists within your organisation.
OVERVIEW: Fully bespoke program that includes Understand, Unlock and Unleash led by Lisa who is actively involved and guiding your cultural shift through workshops, skills uplift, coaching, engagement, communication and change management support.
Includes full suite of mentoring, advisory and coaching services for achievement of the roadmap with and through your people to Unleash through co-creation and design thinking.
Lisa’s Commitment to You
Lisa’s commitment when working with you are:
- Partnering well with you to educate, guide and coach your leaders and teams
- Support your organisation through the challenges involved when achieving Results Through Culture
- Shaping and making overt the ways of working, culture and organisational dynamics required and
- Addressing what is getting in the way of your transformation being successfully integrated.
Benefits of Working with Lisa
Lisa’s aim is to support the effective achievement of transformation in a human centric and co-creative way. Where leaders maintain the ultimate responsibility for the achievement of results and lead in a way that unleashes the brilliance and potential of their organisation and teams. Transformation that is Leader-led and collectively owned. Lisa works together with you to shape your culture, support you in responding to your challenges and build the capability and understanding of leaders in their role of shaping culture and creating the conditions for current and future success. The practices are based on Lisa’s many years of experience in achieving (and not effecitvely achieving) transformations.
The Unleashing Brilliance Playbook and the Results Through Culture framework are the culmination of this experience and the Understand, Unlock and Unleash process are the stage gates of the process. The objective is to realise the benefits brought about by having the 5 core competencies, 5 cultural conditions and 20 organisational capabilities in place. The Understand, Unlock and Unleash phases, as stage gates, support your organisation in unleashing potential and achieving result with and through your people.
Some of the benefits Lisa has seen when you lead transformation in a human centric and culturally aware way are:
- leader led and collectively owned culture
- increased leadership and team alignment and organisational capability
- organisational practices that are human centric and results oriented
- more effective achievement of results
- more engaged workforce as a by product of systemic attention
- positive increase in consumer and employee experience
- improved and more efficient ways of working and performance
- upward trends in impact, outcomes and brand capital
- increased innovation, solutioning and creativity