5 Behaviours of leaders who embrace change

Leading transformation that sticks is difficult. The thing is, it’s not hard it simply requires a slight shift in where we place our focus and committing to a few key actions. Leaders can significantly increase the likelihood of success if they look beyond the go live date or the contract/deal date and have as Simon Sinek suggests an infinite mindset. Consider the longer term requirements and plan for those. Consider the needs of the people left holding the ball and ensure they are ready to in fact realise the intentions of the transformation. https://hbr.org/amp/2018/05/5-behaviors-of-leaders-who-embrace-change?fbclid=IwAR2YrSolOLo66RyOzJN4gxiwWvIEClUVSj7iWkiGpu0adtCm2eq07BxkHtI

#leadership #transformation #infinitemindset #SimonSinek #EdithOnderickHarvey #peoplematter #mergers #changeleadership #humancenteredtransformation #threedots #8knots #appetitetochange